Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return my item(s)?

Currently, our returns and exchanges process is undergoing development and will be available in the near future. We appreciate your patience as we work to enhance your shopping experience with Shepherd&Co.

What sizes are available, and how do I determine the right fit for me?

Our sizing ranges from small to 2XL. While our shirts generally adhere to standard sizing, for those who prefer a more relaxed fit, we suggest opting for one size larger.

How long does shipping take?

Shipping times and costs vary depending on your selected shipping method. Rest assured, all orders are processed promptly, typically shipped within one to two business days of purchase.

Do you ship internationally?

While international shipping is not currently available, we are diligently working to expand our reach globally. Stay tuned for updates as we strive to bring Shepherd&Co to customers around the world.

Can I track my order once its has been shipped?

Yes, tracking information will be provided via email once your order has been shipped. You can easily monitor the status of your delivery by clicking on the tracking link provided.

Are there any special promotions or discounts available?

Keep an eye out for our exciting promotions, such as our ongoing Father's Day promotion. We frequently offer special discounts and deals throughout the year to show our appreciation for your support.

How can I contact customer service if I have further questions or concerns?

For any further inquiries or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.